News Pop-Up Window

LiveIQ displays a screen to notify you about important messages so you do not miss valuable news for your business. When you open LiveIQ (on either your desktop or LiveIQ Mobile), the news pop-up window appears to let you know about news messages that have been flagged as a news pop-up.

When you see the pop-up window, click Tell me more! or Not now.

  • If you click Tell me more!, LiveIQ displays the news message so you can review it. This also marks the message as read so the pop-up window does not appear the next time you open LiveIQ.

    If you have more than one unread message that is designated as a news pop-up, the window indicates the number of unread messages but displays only the most recent unread message. Once that message is marked as read, you will see another pop-up window when you open LiveIQ again. The next time, the next most recent unread message appears when you click Tell me more! on the pop-up window. This continues until you have read all the messages designated as news pop-ups.

  • If you click Not now or close the dialog box, LiveIQ closes the pop-up window so that you can continue with other tasks. However, the pop-up window continues to appear each time that you open LiveIQ until you click Tell me more! and review the message.