Process Overview

LiveIQ can process payroll successfully only when your organization and restaurant settings are defined correctly. For more information, see Create and Manage Organizations, Set Up Organization Payroll Groups, Define Payroll Settings, and Define Restaurant-Level Rules.

Step 1 – Review

During the review process, you review and approve the time clock and schedule data. You can adjust time clock information and take actions for items that fall outside of the auto-approval rules defined in the organization parameters. You can save the review process at any time so you or someone else can check it at a later date.

Step 2 – Finalize

Once you have completed and saved the review process, you need to finalize the payroll. Finalizing a restaurant tells LiveIQ Labor that the restaurant is ready to be processed. At this point, you can still review the payroll. However, if you make any changes, the payroll reverts to the review stage and requires finalizing again. All restaurants in an organization must be finalized before LiveIQ can carry out payroll processing.

Step 3 – Process

Once LiveIQ has processed the payroll, it has applied all payroll rules (for example, break rules and overtime rules) and the complete payroll report is available. Use the Payroll Breakdown screen to review and export payroll data. Processed payroll cannot be edited unless it is deleted; when you delete payroll, you delete all related extract reports and return to the review stage.